Source SVG for my English presentation image/svg+xml Source SVG for my English presentation le jeudi 4 novembre, 2016 Vincent Tam Inkscape Open Clipart Same as title. Perhaps my English teacher Sozi Inkscape ckhung English CC-BY-SA 3.0 Fantastic Fantastic Why fungus ? A type of fungus called mold grew at the tip of carrot. Photo by Jeremy Tarling Sour odour gives know its growth Why fantastic ? Use fantastic maths ! t-coord | N-coord -----------+----------- xxxxxxxxxx | ########## xxxxxxxxxx | ########## xxxxxxxxxx | ########## xxxxxxxxxx | ########## stored inside N = f(t) N t halved storage Fungi population (N) against time (t) Aim: To find a simple f for developers N t Fungi population (N) against time (t) Fungi population (N) against time (t) t ∆N ∆t slope Analytical meaning Graphical meaning change in N N ∆N ∆t t N ¨slopes¨ ∆t ∆N 0 50 100 RH (%) Time (a.u.) Relative Humidity against time 0 10 20 30 40 50 25 75 arbitrary unit RH max T: period : wet period T w Smileys double in each period Original population New population N is directly proportional to The Toy modelF = A + PF: fungiA: activeP: passiveD: dryW: wetk: constant activepopulation growth rate Case W → D:A → P at constant rate λ Case D → W:P → A at constant rate µ Fungi Forecast Vincent Tam Reference Adan, O. C. (2011). Fundamentals of mold growth in indoor environments and strategies for healthy living. pp. 68–71. Springer Science & Business Media.
  1. Overview
  2. Title
  3. Fungus
  4. Sour odour
  5. Forcast
  6. Fantastic
  7. Data storage
  8. Approx by curves
  9. Rate of Change
  10. Segment vs curve
  11. From slope to dy/dx
  12. Rel Humidity
  13. Doubling Smileys
  14. Rate & N
  15. Toy Model I
  16. Toy Model II
  17. Toy Model III
  18. Reference