Blog 1

Random Talk on Random Thoughts

My First Post Using UltraBlog.vim

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Note: This post won’t make sense here. Refer to the original post.

Hello world! This is the first post I’ve ever written in UltraBlog.vim.

I love writing with Vim for many reasons, such as it’s pointers, marks, macros, keyword completion, etc.

I’ve tried VimRepress, but this plugin gives me a host of errors that I, as a mediocre GNU/Linux user, can’t understand. Hope UltraBlog works fine!


It’s already late today, so I’ll practice this new and fascinating markup language next week.

Image uploading

According to the official manual, the :UBUpload command “can only be executed in a post edit view”.

This is the first sample image that I’ve uploaded.


That’s how the plugin works. Leaving an empty line after the link for the image does not work.


You need to use the concept of id in the official markdown documentation to do a bit of modification in order to get things work.

Posted via UltraBlog.vim.
