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My Experience of Using Vundle

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Three months ago, I gave Vundle a try, and it’s much more convenient than pathogen.vim. With Zaadi’s VIMRC configuration, Vundle can be set up within several minutes.

I installed FuzzyFinder for opening files in other directories without leaving Vim. However, during the installation of the plugin, I carelessly forgot to download L9 library first. Therefore, I put it into $MYVIMRC.

Bundle 'L9' " FuzzyFinder dependency
Bundle 'FuzzyFinder'

Then, I got the following error message.

$ vi
Error detected while processing /home/owner/.vimrc:
line   28:
E116: Invalid arguments for function vundle#config#bundle
line   30:
E116: Invalid arguments for function vundle#config#bundle
line   31:
E116: Invalid arguments for function vundle#config#bundle
line   32:
E116: Invalid arguments for function vundle#config#bundle
line   33:
E116: Invalid arguments for function vundle#config#bundle
line   39:
E116: Invalid arguments for function vundle#config#bundle
Error detected while processing /home/owner/.vim/bundle/FuzzyFinder/plugin/fuf.vim:
line   13:
***** L9 library must be installed! *****
Press ENTER or type command to continue

:BundleList doesn’t have L9, but ~/.vim/bundle has the folder L9. The cause of the problem is the comment on the right of the Bundle 'foo' command.

Posted via UltraBlog.vim.
