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Including a Bibliography in Pandoc Markdown on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

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I tried typesetting a $\rm \LaTeX$ Beamer slide using pandoc markdown since it’s easy to use. According to the official demo1, with a CSL file2, which specifies the style to the citation, users are suppose to be able to create a document with a bibliography. However, when I ran the following command in Vim on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, pandoc hanged.

:!pandoc -s -S --biblio mybib.bib --csl foo.csl -t beamer %\
-V theme:Berlin -o %<.pdf

I admit that it’s too complicated. I tested several things:

  1. $\rm \LaTeX$ Beamer class
  2. Bibliography

To figure out which part of the command is wrong, I tried to remove the part related to item 1. Issuing a simple command for item 2, the usage of one of the CPU in my computer rose to almost 100%, and remained high with small fluctuations.

:!pandoc -s -S --biblio biblio.bib -o %<.html

This issue is indeed one faced by the community of Ubuntu users, so I can find official advices on GitHub. Eventually, the last comment on the page has solved my problem. I think installing libghc-citeproc-hs-data is quicker than installing the latest ( version of the DEB file for pandoc.

Posted via UltraBlog.vim.
