<p>{% codeblock first_graphics_prog.cpp lang:cpp %}
// Author: David Yevick
// Source: A Short Course in Computational Science and Engineering
#include <iostream>#include <dislin.h></dislin.h></iostream></p><p>using namespace std;</p><p>int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
// Some code for defining variables
// Omitted to avoid copyright problems
// An example of using DISLIN methods
{% endcodeblock %}</p>
Remark: One can view the original file on GitHub by clicking “View
Sometimes, I was unaware of this, especially after writing a
simple post that could surely be correctly parsed by kramdown.
When I saw something like what’s shown in the above code block in a
category feed page in this blog on the Internet, this error had
already published.
A “fix” to the above problem
Re-generate the site again, and wait for luck so that the above
incorrect HTML code will be finally transformed to
a correct one.
Then one can deploy it to the Internet.
As I am not an IT student nor staff, I don’t know the reason.
Therefore, what I can do doesn’t differ much from the above “fix”:
check if the locally generated HTML source code for
/blog/category/foo/atom.xml is OK.