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Random Talk on Random Thoughts

Fbi vs Fim

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This is just a small table listing some differences between fbi and fim.

  Advantages Disadvantages
fbi support SVG files doesn’t support tmux
doesn’t have full control over the zooming size
fim support tmux
support custom zooming1
doesn’t support SVG files

To view SVG images in tmux buffers, one can use ImageMagick’s convert command.2

Lessons learnt

While writing the above table, I ran into the problem of a Markdown table with more than one line. Luckily, searching “kramdown table lines” on Google, I quickly found a Stack Overflow question which solved my problem.3 Note that <br> is not the best way: add a slash / to suppress the following messages.

Warning: The HTML tag 'br' on line 15 cannot have any content -
auto-closing it
Warning: The HTML tag 'br' on line 17 cannot have any content -
auto-closing it
Warning: The HTML tag 'br' on line 1 cannot have any content -
auto-closing it
Warning: The HTML tag 'br' on line 1 cannot have any content -
auto-closing it

  1. By :nn% 

  2. By convert in.svg out.jpg 

  3. Newline in markdown table? on Stack Overflow. 
