How to add a scanned signature to a $\rm \LaTeX$ document for the
lettre class?
My attempt
Searching “latex letter signature”, I quickly find an article on
texblog. If the \name{} has been defined at the beginning of
the letter, then adding \forname below the line
will give you another name, and {Your name} will give you the
third one. Moreover, the alignment of the sender’s name isn’t
According to the documentation of lettre, the \signature{} command
accepts only text as its arguments. I try redefining it, but the
alignment is still wrong. As a result, I decided to do it the
dirty way: I recalled the method of adding the sender’s name at the
closing part in Bio Teckna’s model letter. The
\begin{center} environment is used. However, to make it look like a
French letter, I used \hspace{8cm} to adjust the horizontal spacing.
Sample $\rm \LaTeX$ French letter with signature (ltrsign.tex)download
\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{lettre}\usepackage{fontspec}\usepackage[frenchb]{babel}\begin{document}\begin{letter}{ Nom de destinataire \\ 4, boulevard de la Paix, \\ 12345 Nom de ville
}\name{\null}\address{ Votre NOM\\ 23, rue à votre ville \\ 23456 Nom de votre ville
}\def\sigspace{-10mm}\lieu{Votre ville}\telephone{01 02 03 04 05}\nofax\email{}\def\concname{Objet :~}\conc{Saisir votre objet}\opening{Madame, Monsieur,} Un exemple d'une lettre $\rm\LaTeX$ faite par \LaTeX. Le faux
texte ci-dessous est généré par le plugin Lorem Ipsum pour Vim.
% lorem{{{ Curabitur eget nisi at lectus placerat gravida. Vivamus nulla. Donec
luctus. Sed quis tellus. Quisque lobortis faucibus mi. Aenean vitae
risus ut arcu malesuada ornare. Maecenas.
Amet, rhoncus in, ipsum. Mauris rhoncus, lacus eu convallis sagittis,
quam magna placerat est, vitae imperdiet mauris arcu ac dui. In ac
urna non justo posuere mattis. Suspendisse egestas bibendum nulla. In
erat nunc, posuere sed, auctor quis, pulvinar quis, mi. Mauris at est.
Phasellus lacinia eros in arcu. Maecenas lobortis, tellus vel gravida
tincidunt, elit erat suscipit arcu, in varius erat risus vel magna.
Fusce nec ante quis dolor vestibulum bibendum. Pellentesque sit amet
% lorem}}}\closing{Veuillez d'agréer, Madame, Monsieur, mes salutations les
meilleures.}\begin{center}\hspace{8cm}\fromsig{\includegraphics[scale=1]{sample-sign.jpg}}\\\hspace{8cm}\fromname{Votre NOM}\end{center}\encl{pièces jointes}\end{letter}\end{document}