Making slides with pandoc markdown is easy!

Vincent Tam


Slide 1

Slide 2

  1. Point 1
  2. Point 1
  3. Point 1

Slide 3

Somebody says something famous.

Some quotations.

Slide 4

HTML code

    <dt>A term to be defined</dt>
    <dd>- Description copied from</dd>
    <dt>Another technical term</dt>
    <dd>- Describe it here.</dd>


for i=1:2:101;
    i = i + 1;
if i > 100
    disp('i is larger than 100')
elseif i < 100
    disp('i is smaller than 100')
else disp('i may not be 100')

Slide 5

Here's some inline math. I copied the question from my MATH 2070B homework 4 question 3.1

If R is a non-commutative ring, for a,b,c \in R such that ab = bc = 1, we have a = c because a(bc) = (ab)c.

Slide 6

We can use pandoc to convert it to different formats.

  1. Footnote one.