Two days ago, my Linux desktop was down. As a result, I had to use a laptop that ran on Windows 7 to browse the web. I wasn’t sure how long it’d take to fix the desktop, so I tried installing Octopress on Windows 7.
I mainly followed the tutorial on Simple Tutorial Blog. If my blog consists merely of simple passages, the tutorial should have worked for me. Unluckily, if any page/post contains a code block, then Pygment, which depends on Python, is used. Tony Jan described how he solved the problem of RubyPython in details.1 I have no knowledge in Ruby and Python programming, so I don’t think that I can find out what’s wrong like him. Fortunately, I didn’t encounter his error.
However, when I was setting up Octopress on Windows 7, I’ve learned something that I’d like to write it down.