Blog 1

Random Talk on Random Thoughts

Compilation of Ruby's Source Code on Ubuntu

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Oliver’s guide has listed the packages on which Ruby depends. Following strictly to the guide, you should start working with the programming language, instead of wasting time to read this article.


To compile Ruby for whatever reasons.


You’ve read Oliver’s guide. However, your goal does not match with those in Oliver’s guide. Therefore, you don’t need to do all the things in the guide and start to skim through the text and to scan for commands useful to you. This is an essential skill to survive in *nix.1


You’ve found some useful commands, and tried working out their dependencies. Nonetheless, you missed out some important commands and thus the dependencies were wrong. Unfortunately, you’re unaware of such careless mistake and continued the process, before being stopped by the compiler’s error message.

Stop Using Mic**soft Word!

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I’ve found a great post in Charlie’s Diary showing reasons that “Why M$ W**d must Die”. So I’m going to provide a link to a passage on Coding 2 Learn that explains why M$ W**d is still dominant these days. The whole passage is long, but is worth spending time to read. The relevant section of the passage is Schools. From Cambridge’s $\rm \LaTeX$ Advocacy page, we can find Taylor’s article titled What has WYSIWYG done to us?. I embed an iframe for your reference.

Write Blog Offline!

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When I’m writing blogs using the Blogger’s online editor, I found that it’s slow since the Vim’s keyboard shortcuts can’t be used. What’s worse, Blogger often threw me Error 503. I regret wasting so much time on this ineffective blogging process.


View Susan Gunelius’ Top 5 Reasons to Use an Offline Blog Editor.

Just one will do. Then it’ll be good to have some physical exercises for the coordination of our eyes, brain and hand. I’ve learnt this from my teacher.

Precautions to Changing Bloger's Template and Google Drive File Hosting

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There are just two points to be noted for a change in the template of a blog.

  1. Backup the HTML template.
  2. Backup the CSS settings in “Template” → “Advanced” → “Add CSS”.

Maybe what you need is just changing some properties of a CSS class. For instance, you’ve set the body background colour to be magenta and you want to change it to orange. This can be easily done if you put an external CSS style sheet to somewhere public on the web and include a link to the CSS style sheet in the HTML template of your blog. A very short documentation on Google Drive explains how the hosting of one’s custom CSS stylesheet(s) on Google Drive can be done. (The link is now dead.) Apart from shortening the time taken for changing the appearance of a blog, it avoids the loss of CSS code due to Blogger’s problems and/or users’ mistakes.

A More User-Friendly and Dynamic View in Blogger

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(Last edited on JAN 8, 2014)

As you can see now, I no longer use the dynamic view in Blogger. For a more detailed reason, refer to my newer post.

The dynamic view template in Blogger can already switch its modes according to the users’ needs. The containers in “flipcard” and “mosaic” views can be enlarged by a click on them. However, the default “sidebar” view still has its supporters, despite its inadequacies.1

Last Saturday, I changed the template from a dark one to a dynamic one withe sidebar. However, when I’d like to scroll down to my earlier essays, I found out that I need to go through some passages in between my current position and my target in the scrollbar. This is quite troublesome since a considerable amount of time is needed to load the contents of a blog entry.

Luckily, I could find out how Yoga changed his code in “Add CSS” in his template so as to get the sidebar on the left scrollable. I just copy the code from him for your reference.

.sidebar #sidebar, .ss{
  margin-top: 12px !important;
  overflow-y: scroll !important;

Note: Later, I found out that without the scrollbar, the sidebar is still scrollable.